Jack Barth
About Me
Jack Barth is the Executive Director of the Marine Studies Initiative (MSI) and Professor of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. Building on a deep history of nationally ranked academic programs, world-leading research and premier facilities in Corvallis and on the coast, MSI is pioneering a new multi-disciplinary teaching, research and engagement model to help sustain healthy oceans and ensure wellness, environmental health and economic prosperity for future generations. An expert in coastal oceanography and marine low-oxygen zones, Jack received a PhD in Oceanography in 1987 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography. He presently serves on the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee and co-chairs the Oregon Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Coordinating Council. Jack is a Fellow of The Oceanography Society and the American Meteorological Society.
For scheduling and other administrative support questions, contact Simone Burton, MSI Administrative Assistant.
B. A., University of Colorado, 1982
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography, 1987
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1982-1987.
Research Associate (Postdoctoral), College of Oceanography, Oregon State University (OSU), 1987-1989.
Assistant Professor (Senior Research), College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences (COAS), OSU, 1989-1995.
Associate Professor (Senior Research), COAS, OSU, 1995-1996.
Associate Professor, COAS, OSU, 1996-2001.
Professor, COAS (now known as CEOAS), OSU, 2001-present.
Affiliated Faculty, Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute, College of Engineering, OSU, 2013-present
Associate Dean for Research, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS), 2011-2016.
Co-Lead, Marine Studies Initiative, OSU, 2014-2016.
Executive Director, Marine Studies Initiative, OSU, 2016-present.
Awards/Keynote Lectures
Carl-Gustav Rossby Award, Center for Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.
Best Presentation, Science Board Symposium, North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Yokohama, Japan, October, 2006.
Pattullo Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, OSU, 2010.
Keynote Lecture, PICES Nineteenth Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, October, 2010.
Keynote Lecture, PICES/ICES Conference for Early Career Scientists, Majorca Island, Spain, April, 2012.
Fellow, The Oceanography Society, 2013.
Best Poster, Science Board Symposium, North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Twenty fourth Annual Meeting, Qingdao, China, October, 2015.
Fellow, The American Meteorological Society, 2017.
Honorable Mention, Climate Adaptation Leadership Award for Natural Resources, National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Network, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 2020.